Friday, December 14, 2012

commentary on "Legalization of Cannabis"

In this commentary, Legalization of Cannabis, the author comments about the legalization of cannabis in Washington, Colorado and the U.S. in  general. The federal government bans it, but some states have legalized it for medical purposes, which goes against federal law.

Cannabis should be legalized in the U.S. because there are drugs that are legal and don’t have no medical purposes like alcohol. The prohibition of alcohol only led to underground lucrative money making schemes for famous gangsters like Al Capone. This underground market also leads to violence since this drug isn’t controlled by the government. Alcohol and tobacco are taxed and controlled. Why can’t marijuana be taxed and controlled too? Marijuana is considered a gateway drug and also considered the most harmful drug which is a schedule one drug. Cocaine is a schedule two drug. This doesn’t make sense. This makes cocaine less dangerous and more useful marijuana. In general the drug on wars should be stopped. This has been the most costly war and has no end in sight. Prisons are packed with non violent inmates because of drug related cases. Let’s put these drug dealers out of business and stop the war on drugs.