Is there a party realignment in the near future? Is the Democratic Party going to be the powerful party? Is the Republican Party declining? I strongly believe there is. These are some of the questions asked in the commentary called Republicans Soul Searching Probably Mostly Pointless.
Since the 1960’s, when the New Deal Era ended and with that the Democratic stronghold ended. The U.S. government has been in a divided government meaning that neither party has been overwhelming strong. There has been various times in that period that the President was either a Republican or Democrat. For example, there is the Republican Presidency of former President Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush each holding two terms and sandwiched in between is former President Bill Clinton. Now there is the two term Presidency of President Obama. This Reelection of President Obama during a down economic signifies that more Democrats are staying loyal regardless of hard times. The GOP is going more and more to the right and minorities, urban areas and now some upper income white males are leaning more and more to the left. Minorities and urban populations are only going to go up and this is going to lead to a party realignment where the Democratic Party is dominant.
The Democratic Party found a perfect recipe for success for a presidential candidate. President Obama, a young black male that represents the changing demographics in this nation, which has a steady increase of minorities in the past few years. Being raised by a single mother and being biracial also tremendously helped. This gave him a down to earth personality, like a neighbor next door. Someone that came from a modest up bringing to became the President of the most powerful nation. On the other hand Mitt Romney seemed more distant to the average American especially minorities. He was raised in a high social class. How many people can relate to that? The ultimate downfall of the GOP in the Presidential election was two things. First, his vice president candidate, Paul Ryan and the most critical downfall was his comment about 47% of Americans being dependant on the government. This makes him seem arrogant and distant to Americans suffering in this economic downturn.
Times are changes where minorities are growing and American society is becoming more socially liberal. This will make the GOP a minority and the Democratic Party dominant in the future unless the GOP starts becoming more moderate. A good place to start next election for the GOP would be having a minority as a Presidential or Vice Presidential Candidate. Marco Rubio would make a great candidate. He is a young Cuban American in a swing state of Florida. This is a must win state for the GOP. He would not be the typical candidate that would lure conservatives but they wouldn’t haven’t no other choice, so they would vote for him and he would lure minorities especially young Cuban Americans that are voting more and more Democrat in recent years in contrast to older Cuban Americans that lean more to the right.